XXIV Spring School of Language and Communication Studies
- https://kielikampus.jyu.fi/fi/kielikampuksen-toiminta/tapahtumat-uutiset/xxivspring-school-of-language-and-communication-studies
- XXIV Spring School of Language and Communication Studies
- 2024-05-16T09:00:00+03:00
- 2024-05-17T16:00:00+03:00
- Aika 16.05.2024 – 09.00 – 17.05.2024 – 16.00 (Europe/Helsinki / UTC300)
Lisää tapahtuma kalenteriin
Traditionally, Spring School is organized by and for the doctoral researchers of the Language Campus (i.e. CALS, LaCos, the Department of Teacher Education, Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication and Teacher training school). This year, we will run the event in a hybrid format to make it possible for researchers who are currently not in Jyväskylä to participate.
The primary topic of the Spring School 2024 is Language, research, and activism. We are excited to announce that the keynote speakers will be Apoorwa Hooda, Heidi Layne, Ilkhom Khalimzoda, and Edwin Nfor.
You can find the program here.