MultiLEAP Webinar - Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment (7 October)

MultiLEAP  welcomes you to hear an interesting presentation about the concept of cross-linguistic mediation in the foreign language classroom.
  • Aika 07.10.2021 klo 13.3015.00 (Europe/Helsinki / UTC300)
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Please share this invitation within your networks! Students are also welcome!

What: MultiLEAP Webinar – Languages Across Borders, Within the classroom: Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment (ME.T.L.A.)
When: Thursday 7th of October 2021, at 13.30–15.00


  • Welcome and introduction
  • What is cross-linguistic mediation?
  • Cross-linguistic mediation in the ME.T.L.A project
  • Examples of cross-linguistic mediation activities in the classroom
  • Discussion
  • Closing of the webinar

Read more about the program and speakers: