Kielikampus järjesti Kielikampuksella vierailevan erikoistutkija James Simpsonin (Leedsin yliopisto) kanssa 9.–10.9.2016 tutkimusseminaarin, jonka aiheena oli Translation and Translanguaging. Seminaari koostui neljästä eri sessiosta, joista kaksi ensimmäistä olivat avoimia kaikille kiinnostuneille. Avointen sessioiden aiheina olivat Introducing TLang sekä Translanguaging in the contact zone: Language use in superdiverse urban Leeds.
The seminar was about the AHRC-funded research project, Translation and Translanguaging: Investigating Linguistic and Cultural Transformations in Superdiverse wards in four UK Cities (2014-2018). The TLang project is a collaboration between academic researchers, non-academic partners, and community stakeholders. It is also a partnership between four UK universities and the private, public, and third sectors. The research aims to develop new understandings of multilingual interaction in cities in the UK, and communicate these to policy-makers and communities locally, nationally, and internationally. The sessions in this seminar each concerned a different aspect of the project.