25th Summer School of Applied Language Studies
Multilingual Literacies in the 21st Century
University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June 4–7, 2007
The Summer School of Applied Language Studies is an event that annually gathers together researchers, postgraduate students, and mother tongue and foreign language teachers to explore language learning and language education.
The 2007 Summer School was dedicated to multilingual literacies:
- What kinds of skills of reading and writing are needed for full participation in the knowledge-based society?
- How are literacy practices acquired, taught and assessed in schools in different countries?
- What kinds of beliefs and values are linked with the curricula, learning materials and practices of teaching and feedback giving?
- What kinds of abilities do pupils need in order to act as full citizens and where do they get these abilities? Do the literacy practices of school and community meet?
- What is the daily life of immigrants like as readers, writers and multilingual actors in society? How are immigrants socialised into the world of texts?
The invited speakers at the Summer School were internationally well-known scholars in the field from Australia, the United Kingdom and Brazil:
Allan Luke
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Adrian Blackledge
University of Birmingham, UK
Marilyn Martin-Jones
University of Birmingham, UK
Fernanda Coelho Liberali
Pontifical Catholic University of São Paolo, Brazil
Järjestelytoimikunta / Organising Committee:
- Johtaja / Director Maija Kalin (Kielikeskus / Language Centre)
- Professori / Professor Minna-Riitta Luukka (Solki / CALS)
- Professori / Professor Maisa Martin (Kielten laitos / Department of Languages)
- Lehtori / Lecturer Anne Pitkänen-Huhta (Kielten laitos / Department of Languages)
- Erikoistutkija / Senior Researcher Sari Pöyhönen (Solki / CALS)
- Erikoistutkija / Senior Researcher Mirja Tarnanen (Solki / CALS)
- Sihteeri / Secretary Satu Julin (Humanistinen tiedekunta / Faculty of Humanities)